How I Use Snipd to Unlock the Knowledge in Podcasts

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In the digital age, podcasts have become a valuable source of information and entertainment. However, with the vast amount of content available, it can be challenging to retain and organize the key insights from these audio episodes. That's where Snipd comes in. Snipd is an AI powered podcast app designed to transcribe content and synchronize with note-taking apps, automatically generate book-style “chapters” and more. In this review, we will explore the features, functionality, and user experience of Snipd and discuss how I integrate it with my knowledge management system.

Why Use Snipd?

I spent a lot of time listening to podcasts in the background as I g about my day. I often come across a fact, joke or even turn of phrase that I want to be able to recall in the future. That’s why I made the choice switch my podcasts platform from Pocket Casts to Snipd. Snipd has let me easily capture moments from podcasts and let me build a library of audio clips I can reference. I also set up automatic export to my note taking app of choice; Notion. This gives me a full transcription of all of my saved “Snips” that I can use and reference in my work. Building up a library of interesting podcast clips and anecdotes has always been a process wrought with friction. Snipd has eliminated that for me, allowing for smart capture at the tap of a button or headphone gesture.

To demonstrate it’s usefulness I’ve pulled a couple of examples of memorable snippets or insights I’ve captured through Snipd:

When a friend makes a mistake, the friend remains a friend and the mistake remains a mistake
— Shimon Peres (quoted by Steven Bartlett)
According to a recent survey of millionaires done by the US Trust, 83% of the wealthy, say their largest investment gains have come from small wins over time rather than taking big risks
— Ramit Sethi
A lack of communication is a lack of performance. And this is something that I think a lot of people mistake, is they say, while I did my job, I just didn’t communicate well. They say, well, you know, sure, I can always improve my communication. And they feel like it’s not an important thing.
— Sam Corcos

Podcast: The Time Ferris Show
Episode: #694: Sam Corcos, Co-Founder of Levels — The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants, 10x Delegation, and Winning Freedom by Letting Go

All of these quotes were saved as Snips and automatically pulled into my Notion workspace, where I’m also drafting this blog post. I can relate these saved Snips directly to the work I’m doing, meaning I never need to switch between apps or even pages within my workspace as I work. If you’re interested in how this system works you can find more information on my Notion Knowledge Management Kit here.

Features & Functionality

One interesting way to use Snipd’s AI-generated snippets is to review or discover new content. You can get the highlights or even a summary of a podcast episode you missed or sample a highlight from a new podcast to see if you want to listen further. You can also used Snipd’s automatic transcript and chapter creation to easily jump between sections of a podcast to the parts you're most interested in. If you’re listening to a lot of podcasts, specifically to learn from, this feature ensures you find the value in every episode without listening through the parts less relevant to you.

Saving Snips is a seamless experience. With a simple tap of the "Create Snip" button or a tap on your headphones, Snipd saves a smart selection that includes the moment before and after your tap. This functionality allows you to capture ideas, insights, and inspiration on the go, ensuring that no valuable thought slips through the cracks. It's like having a personal audio note-taker at your fingertips.

Snipd supports its “knowledge-unlocking” mission in how it handles exporting too. For example, users can integrate and automatically synchronize Snipd with read-it-later service Readwise and Notion, as I already mentioned. On top of that, users can manually export Snipd content to Obsidian, Logseq, Bear and Markdown. In terms of importing, Snipd simplifies this transition of switching podcast apps by allowing you to import your podcast subscriptions from any other app. I was able to import all of my subscriptions from Pocket Casts relatively easily, the one thing to note is that it did not import any other related data, like which episodes I had already listened to for example.

While Snips themselves are frictionless to capture both in-app and via your headphones, it's fair to say that the user interface can feel cluttered at times. The app is responsive and has been reliable for me but the overall layout may take some time to get accustomed to. It feels a little unintuitive in my experience, like everything takes one click more that necessary or the positioning of different buttons etc. feels unnatural, at least to me.

Pricing and Licensing

Snipd is currently available on both iOS and Android and it has a pretty robust free plan that that will have all the features needed for most users. The main distinction between the free and priced plan is the ability to request AI processing on more than 2 podcasts per week. Most popular podcasts will already have the AI features (chapters etc.) generated. I’ve never needed to request AI features for a podcast. This might only be necessary if you’re listening to a lot of niche content. So, in the vast majority of cases the free plan should have everything you need.

Snipd doesn’t actually list the price of their paid plan on their website as the prices may vary based on your location. You can confirm the price of a paid subscription in the app by going to the "You" screen, click on "Start your free trial" and follow the steps to see the prices but again the free plan should be more than enough to get started.


If you’re interested in capturing insights from your podcasts Snipd is a gamechanger. If you listen to podcasts purely for entertainment or enjoyment any other podcast app will do. Snipd’s ability to unlock the knowledge hidden within podcasts and facilitate seamless sharing and collaboration sets it apart from traditional podcast players. Because of how well Snipd does this, any shortcomings in terms of other podcast app functionality or user interface quirks are forgiven in my eyes. Whether you're a student, professional, or lifelong learner, Snipd can revolutionize the way you engage with podcasts. You can try it out for free here.


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